miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Citizenship: Food Traditions over the World. Homework.

For next Wednesday you have two different tasks:
-Answer the questions in the sheet called "Identity, Race and Membership". This exercise will allow you to take into account the reasons why people move away of their countries looking for a new life.
-Optative task: write an opinion (directly in this blog) about the videos we have seen in our last lesson. Going over these videos, you can learn others cultures point of view about food: what do we consider suitable for being or not being eaten? Therefore, Knowing others cultures is a good way to break our prejudices down.

This delightful picture belongs to Frederick Morgan, a famous English painter of childhood portrays and country scenes. The one which illustrates the post is called The Apples Gathering.

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

I think that they were very interesting, you can learn a lot of things of traditions and food in other countries, but some of them were really repugnant¡¡

Nieves Prieto Durán dijo...

Hi Lydia, you are right, but you should think that some of the things we eat, like "morcilla" or "langostinos", may look rather disgusting too if you are not used to them...

My purpose here is for you to realise that there are other cultures and ways to understand what we believe what's good or bad.

And thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it!

Anónimo dijo...

Teacher for the exam we have to study the sheet about Globalisation???

Nieves Prieto Durán dijo...

No, You only have to study unit 3 Communities and Identities:theorical part (vocabulary and definitions), the letters you wrote, the videos and review the first exercise about our own identity.
Have a nice weekend


    Os dejo puntos relevantes para ir preparando el examen del segundo trimestre. Revisadlo para resolver dudas en clase. - Diferenciar Raci...

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Blog del Departamento de Filosofía del IES Gabriela Mistral. c/ Miguel de Cervantes, 104. 28939 Arroyomolinos Madrid Tel: 91 689 90 54 Fax: 91 689 77 13.
