martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

Globalisation. Porfolio.

For the end of the term you should do your portfolio about globalisation, as we did with the Selfish Giant.Although I explained how to do it, I include some activities for those who want to improve their marks. These are focused on an important globalisation drawback: environmental damage.
Optional tasks:

- Look for information about one or two of these issues and include it in your portfolio. You may include pictures or photos as well:

1- a particular environmental problem such as massive deforestation, desertification, global warming or greenhouse effect.

2-animals or plants which are on the verge of being extincted.

3-a celebrity who is working to promote environmental protection.

The picture above is by John Falter, ilustrator best known for his covers paintings for the Saturday Evening Post. He depicts The American Dream, as he said " to put down on canvas a piece of America"

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Nieves, I didn`t had time to do the
optional task. Can I do it for the next evaluation??

Nieves Prieto Durán dijo...

Of course, you can do it for next term.

Anónimo dijo...

teacher with these two works can i improve my mark?? and i have done two optional tasks but i don´t know if these are the right ones


Nieves Prieto Durán dijo...

It would be better if you do the optional tasks in the post called I have a dream. Sure you will not have enough time to do the first activity, but you can do the second activity: if you have a dream (as Luther King had)...what was this dream about?

Write a paragrah to explain it and give it to me at 8´20 in the teachers room.


    Os dejo puntos relevantes para ir preparando el examen del segundo trimestre. Revisadlo para resolver dudas en clase. - Diferenciar Raci...

Datos personales

Blog del Departamento de Filosofía del IES Gabriela Mistral. c/ Miguel de Cervantes, 104. 28939 Arroyomolinos Madrid Tel: 91 689 90 54 Fax: 91 689 77 13.
