lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Optional activity. Citizenship

The Pacific Garbage Patch

During this term, we have done the Pacific Garbage Patch reading. An interesting article about this topic was published last week. It is focused on a young man who wants to solve this pollution problem.

Boyan Slat is a 20 year-old man on a mission: to rid the world¨s oceans of floating plastic. He has dedicated his teenage years trying to find a way to collect the plastic from the osean and to dispose of it safely.

Look for more information to complete this story. You can give it to me in a separate piece of paper.

 Surf the web!!

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    Os dejo puntos relevantes para ir preparando el examen del segundo trimestre. Revisadlo para resolver dudas en clase. - Diferenciar Raci...

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