martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

This is England

This Is England: a portray of the transition between childhood and adulthood.

This is England is the story of a summertime school holiday.Those long weeks between terms where life-changing events can take place. It’s 1983 and school is out. Twelve-year-old Shaun is an isolated boy growing up in a grim coastal town, whose father has died fighting in the Falklands War.

Over the course of the summer holiday he finds male role models when those in the local skinhead scene take him in. With his new friends Shaun discovers a world of parties, first love and the joys of Dr Marten boots. Here he meets Combo, an older racist skinhead who has recently got out of prison. As Combo’s gang harass the local ethnic minorities, the course is set for a rite of passage that will hurl Shaun from innocence to experience.


To understand the social background of the story you must pay attention to the opening sequence. It is important in representing the social, historical and cultural context of the film (the early 80's).

The sequence moves from trivial clips of Roland rat, Space Invaders -the first computer game- hairs styles of the the ‘new romantic’ group Duran Duran, the wedding of Charles and Diana, then this becomes increasingly serious with anti US air base protests, the miners strike, a National Front March, and race riots. The sequence ends with news clips from the Falklands/Malvinas war showing injured soldiers. Tory Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is a constant presence throughout.

Words that are underlined are relevant for the vocabulary of our last term.
Leave me your comments about the movie!

9 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

In my opinion the movie "this is England" is a really good way for the students to know more about the society of these epoch and the way they behave because of the efects of the war and the economic crisis ( the racism, the pain of the soldiers' families...)
It also shows how the age of a person can affect to his decitions, we see that Shaun take the decition of staying in the gang because he wasn't mature enough but after he realizes it was bad, and his others mates knew that was bad just from de beggining because they were more mature.
For me it's a good film and I recomend watching it.
Olga Martínez 4ºA.

Unknown dijo...

In my opinion the movie "this is England" is a really good way for the students to know more about the society of these epoch and the way they behave because of the efects of the war and the economic crisis ( the racism, the pain of the soldiers' families...)
It also shows how the age of a person can affect to his decitions, we see that Shaun take the decition of staying in the gang because he wasn't mature enough but after he realizes it was bad, and his others mates knew that was bad just from de beggining because they were more mature.
For me it's a good film and I recomend watching it.
Olga Martínez 4ºA.

Unknown dijo...

In my opinion the movie "this is England" is a really good way for the students to know more about the society of these epoch and the way they behave because of the efects of the war and the economic crisis ( the racism, the pain of the soldiers' families...)
It also shows how the age of a person can affect to his decitions, we see that Shaun take the decition of staying in the gang because he wasn't mature enough but after he realizes it was bad, and his others mates knew that was bad just from de beggining because they were more mature.
For me it's a good film and I recomend watching it.
Olga Martínez 4ºA.

Nieves Prieto Durán dijo...

Thanks for your comment Olga


Anónimo dijo...

In my opinion, this is England is a movie which you can learn a lot, thanks of it, now I have other perspective about the England history.
I had never seen this film, and when I started to saw it, I don't think that it would be so good.
The film show how one idea can affect in the real life, I mean, Shaun had an idea about his father so he went with Combo because he thought that he was doing the right. Shaun lived situations that he would not live, and this film show how bad influence can carry you to situations about kills, racims, etc..
It's a very good film in general,.and I recommend it.

Gonzalo fernández Casas. 4A

Nieves Prieto Durán dijo...

I appreciate your opinion. Thanks.

Rati dijo...

In my opinion "This is England" is different movie to others I have seen. In general terms with this movie above all you can learn how was people's life in that time, how they thought and how they acted. It tries to teach you all these things from Shaun's perspective and it does more difficult the situation.
In this film appear also the racism and the difficult life of people who came from out Britain.
At the beginning of the movie Shaun is an immature child who is influenced by the opinion of the gang. But later Shaun live different situations which will do maturity's Shaun and he will take his own dicisions.
In summary, this is the indicate movie to learn more about the Britain's war and it is full of surprises.
I definitely recomend it.

Elena Martínez Ramírez 4ºA

Anónimo dijo...

I think it's a good movie and very interesting to young people who are in similar situations. Difficult situations such as war or economic crisis make these gangs abound and innocent children as Shaun was a perfect target stop the gang, his father had died in the war and he had anger.
This movie teaches us that gangs are not the ideals they say, always behind violence, discrimination, hatred more marginal class hides. I recommend this movie.
Almudena Fernandez Casas 4A

Anónimo dijo...

I think it's a good movie and very interesting to young people who are in similar situations. Difficult situations such as war or economic crisis make these gangs abound and innocent children as Shaun was a perfect target stop the gang, his father had died in the war and he had anger.
This movie teaches us that gangs are not the ideals they say, always behind violence, discrimination, hatred more marginal class hides. I recommend this movie.
Almudena Fernández Casas 4A


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