miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

UNIT 2 Citizenship.

In this unit we are reading and working on a text about pollution and environment: the Pacific Garbage Patch.

  The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a swirling collection of plastic debris, or garbage, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. No one really knows when it began. In the 1970s, scientits started studying the area and the circular currents called gyres.

After the reading and the compulsory questions, here you have some extra or optional tasks:

1-Look for information about the shipping routes between Asia and North America. (to be read in class)

2- Send me an e-mail in which you choose four tips from the text that you consider the most  important in your daily life.

The picture above is called After the Storm and belongs to Virginie Demont Breton , French woman painter known for her depictions of fishermen and their families.

7 comentarios:

Alejandro 2ºB dijo...

Teacher I don´t know your e-mail. Can you post on the blog your e-mail?

Nieves Prieto Durán dijo...

Alejandro, everything that you write in my blog, goes directly to my e-mail. So, in case you want to comment something or ask me any doubt, do it in our lessons post.

I´ll read it and I´ll decide whether to allow it or not. If your writing is quite long, I´Ll select some ideas to show them in the blog.

Thanks for your question.

Alejandro 2°B dijo...

Im Alejandro of 2°B .
Hello teacher, I think 4 four tips most common and more important in my day life (about the second exercise) can be:
1. Recycle!
2. Stop buying plastic bottles. Drink tap water from reusable bottles made from glass or steel
3. Eat ice creams in cones, not in plastic cups
4. Cut plastic six-pack rings so that animals can get caught in them.

Alejandro 2ºB dijo...

Teacher, I think this video describes the Garbage Patch. Here you have the link:

Nieves Prieto Durán dijo...

Thanks a lot for the video

Jorge Martín 2ºB dijo...

Hello Nieves. I have done the second voluntary exercise. I do not know how to do the first exercise because I have looked for it but I have not found anything interesting.
This is the exercise 2
1.Cut plastics six-pack rings so that animals can not get caught in them.
2. Recycle! Learn your city´s recycling rules for plastic and other items.
4. Use bio-plastics made from plants like corn or potato. They bio-degrade naturally.
4. Eat ice cream in cones, not plastic cups.
I hope you like it.

Nieves Prieto Durán dijo...

Well done Jorge.Although it was for some weeks ago,I will take it into account for your final mark. Never it´s too late. Keep on working as you have done this term.


    Os dejo puntos relevantes para ir preparando el examen del segundo trimestre. Revisadlo para resolver dudas en clase. - Diferenciar Raci...

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Blog del Departamento de Filosofía del IES Gabriela Mistral. c/ Miguel de Cervantes, 104. 28939 Arroyomolinos Madrid Tel: 91 689 90 54 Fax: 91 689 77 13.
